Gioseffo Guami's 'La brillantina', part of the solo recital disc 'Myth of Venice' on Delphian Records. Plus some exquisite music by Francesco Usper, as featured on the 2021 recording 'An Adriatic Voyage' with The Marian Consort and The Illyria Consort.
Two pieces with Fretwork: a 4-part sinfonia by the Roman composer Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger, plus divisions by Riccardo Rognoni on the Palestrina motet 'Domine quando veneris'
Two films made with In Echo in October 2019. These Buonamente pieces were part of a recital of music from 17th-century Habsburg Vienna we performed at the Brecon Baroque Festival.
A extract from the 2020 CD release with Concerto Copenhagen 'Ich bin die Auferstehung', featuring Lars Ulrik Mortensen, baritone Jakob Bloch Jespersen and the beautiful Italian organ of Copenhagen's Trinitatis church.
A short trailer made by I Fagiolini explaining our performance of Bovicelli's 'Ave verum corpus' divisions, recorded as part of the Gramophone Award-nominated disc 'Monteverdi: The Other Vespers' (Decca). This was such a great thing to be part of.
Three trailers to promote In Echo's CD 'Music in a Cold Climate: sounds of Hansa Europe'. You can read some of the amazing reviews for this disc here.
This instrumental performance of Rore's madrigal 'Ancor che col partire' includes diminutions by Giovanni Battista Bovicelli dating from 1594. It was part of a recital called 'Echoes of Venice' that ECSE gave in the 2015 Rye Arts Festival. There are plenty more videos on ECSE's YouTube channel.
This performance of Tantum ergo Sacramentum by Tomas Luis de Victoria was filmed at Snape Maltings, Suffolk, UK. All 4 voices feature diminutions written by myself. The piece was performed as part of a concert given by The English Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble and the vocal ensemble I Fagiolini in April 2015.